城市學學刊 |
屏東春日鄉需求反應式公共運輸服務發展之研究 |
第三作者 |
臺大管理論叢/NTU Management Review |
臺灣上市櫃電子資訊業撤離大陸的決策:檢驗地主國績效與選擇偏誤的影響 |
第二作者 |
2024/12 |
Is brand reputation a banner for social marketing? A social enterprise product consumption perspective |
第二作者 |
2023/10 |
Obesity Surgery |
Roux-en-Y and One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass Surgery Are Superior to Sleeve Gastrectomy in Lowering Glucose and Cholesterol Levels Independent of Weight Loss: a Propensity-Score Weighting Analysis |
第四(以上)作者 |
2023/08 |
Journal of Data Analysis |
The Impact of Tech Specification and Partners’ Attribute on Innovation Performance |
第一作者 |
2023/04 |
Healthcare |
Key Drivers of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: A Perspective of Collectivism |
第一作者 |
2023/01 |
Healthcare |
Key Drivers of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: A Perspective of Collectivism |
第二作者 |
2023/01 |
Frontiers in Psychology |
News consumption and green habits on the use of circular packaging in online shopping in Taiwan: An extension of the theory of planned behavior |
第一作者 |
2022/10 |
Healthcare |
Management of Emerging Health Conditions to Improve Resilience and Mental Health |
第一作者 |
2022/09 |
Healthcare |
Management of Emerging Health Conditions to Improve Resilience and Mental Health |
第二作者 |
2022/09 |